4095 N State Rd 7
Lake Worth, FL 33449
Combining visual art with the written word is a passion of mine. I am always searching for new ways to bring together paper, paint and pen.
Want to make your pages come alive? Then bring your journal to class where you will learn not only how to add text to your pages but where, when and what to write. Your pages will sing and vibrate with layers of color, texture and text. This is unlike any class in adding text that I have ever taught before.
Supply list: a journal, water container (to clean your brushes), an apron, scissors, a selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images), cork back metal ruler, roll of paper towels OR an old rag, permanent black ink pad (only if you have one), 1″ brush to glue and paint (I like chip or bristle brushes) along with a few of your favorite smaller detail brushes, a few of your favorite glue sticks (large glue sticks will last you longer), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don’t want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)