Learn how to make an easy NO SEW book
We will be adding interior pages with fun papers and making the texture on the cover, painting the cover and then adding our signature. We will not be working on the pages inside.
There will be some homework prior to the class which will be posted inside the private facebook group for this class.
The kit includes: Covers, adhesive, skeleton leaf, various papers including: book paper, glassine, tags, mixed media paper, etc.
you can add additional papers to your book such as watercolor paper, old maps, scrapbook paper, stationery. whatever paper you want to add you can use
Supplies you will need:
Small flat brush
1/2 inch brush
Binder Clips
Paint: I used GOLDEN brand: Iridescent Bright Gold Fine and GreenGold. Both can be found at everythingmixedmedia.com You can also use any color or paint brand (must be acrylic)
to sign up for this class please click here.
If you are a Platinum member this class is free – please send an email to michelle@everythingscrapbook.com to let me know you would like this class