4095 State Road 7

About Juliana:
Juliana Coles, award winning fine artist, received her BFA from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco. In 1987 Coles developed “Extreme Visual Journaling,” an active meditation technique and spiritual practice that accesses archetypal signs and symbols from the unconscious for transformation and healing. What began as a personal creative inquiry into developing new pathways in the brain after her epileptic seizures, this process, taught by Coles internationally, is now used by art therapists, teachers, artists and professionals around the world. A controversial pioneer of the Art Journaling movement, Coles has been teaching and refining this creative process since 1992. Her inspiring Visual Journals have been featured in over 30 books and magazines and as part of the “1000 Journals Project,” her work was exhibited at the SFMOMA. In 2016, Coles self-published, “Ghost Pirate; The Legend of Juana La Loca.” Currently at work on a new series “Pirate Queens; Piracy is a Feminist Act,” Coles creates from her enchanted studio in Albuquerque, NM.
“The Reconstruction Journal w/ Juliana Coles”
Learn to create a new book format to house all of your projects such as Visual Journaling, art journaling, artist books, sketchbooks… and revitalize your practice! This book is not simply altered, it is fully reconstructed! For all levels! All participants will receive a “Reconstruction Instruction Workbook.”
Juliana says,
“I no longer alter books for my Visual Journaling practice; I reconstruct them. The Reconstruction Journal is my secret to rich and textured layers that look like I put a lot of effort into them. Reconstruction begins with the removal of the pages of a found book. We rebuild this book from scraps using my unique mixed media techniques. In only 3 hours, we will complete an entire book ready to work in! This project is an experience in letting go- in creating from nothing- and learning to trust the instinctual side that has been hidden. This quick and easy book making project is remarkably and wondrously imperfect.
I use the Reconstructed books for my Visual Journaling practice, but I’ve had many participants love the outcome of their Reconstructed Journal so much, they left it as is as an artist book- no further expression or decoration. You can use the Reconstruction Journal for any project; as a visual journal, whereby the richly textured pages become background for hand lettering combined with artwork or maybe you paint the pages to create a uniquely textured blank book for journal writing or sketching. Whatever you choose to do with this unique project is up to you; the possibilities are endless! ”
Supplies to bring:
Apron –
Found Book; any size any thickness less than 2”. (See “choosing a book” videos).
Pen or pencil to make measurements and take notes.
Metal cork backed ruler longer than the height of your book.
Self healing cutting board (I like my large one- it’s bigger than my book open flat. You can live without this item, but it makes life easier. You can also use it to square up your pages. Really, no book artist should be without this tool). –
Magazine or plenty of scrap paper as gluing surfaces.
Glue stick (I recommend at least 3 large ones- don’t bother with small, office supply or Ross brands or kids washable)
Credit card/gift card- a stiff plastic card to flatten out the papers we glue
Cutting tools such as fancy edged scissors, tiny scissors, hole punches, page corner punch, die cutters, and any tools you can make that can cut or make holes or interesting edges.
Random collage items (scraps: torn up pieces of artwork, old letters, trash, scrapbook papers, clear plastic windows, photos, anything you are willing to discard – nothing precious
An assortment of attachment possibilities such as masking tape, washi tape, packing tape, gift tape, and any other decorative tapes. Other tools for attachment such as stapler, eye-hooks, clips, safety pins, needle and thread, paper clips, stickers, labels, etc.
Optional: – Matte knife or Exacto (this is a really good item to have- I prefer a matte knife it is easier for me to use but if you don’t have one you can live without it, but this is a good tool for all book artists to have.)
a couple of matte craft paints in your favorite colors plus a few brushes. (Dyan Reaveley paints have a matt finish
You can go totally basic and simple in your pages or go all out: alphabet stamps, sharpies or other permanent markers, pencil (I prefer ebony), rubber stamps, acrylic paint (plus brushes in various sizes, a jar for water, and a rag), and any other mixed media supplies you feel like playing with!