There has been a lot of excitement and bustle of activity going on in the store these past several...
Karen Burniston – latest card making dies
As you know we have Karen Burniston’s latest die release here. Karen is famous for her Pop...
More and More Deliveries! FabScraps, Elizabeth Crafts, Gelatos
Poor Jeff “The UPS Guy” has been piling up the boxes. As fast as he drops the boxes...
New Assortment of Books and Magazines!
It is starting to feel a bit like a book store around here, but only better! We have a vast variety...
Karen Burniston’s dies are here!
You have called to place your orders, you have called to ask if the shipment is in, you have even...
What is New in the Store: Dye Na Flow, StencilGirl, Viva
The CHA deliveries have been coming in fast and furious in the past few weeks. Jeff “the UPS...